Pricing & Opening Times


Friday Night 8 pm – 3 am Entry Price –

The above prices are our regular prices but on our big events nights we reserve the right to change entry prices at short notice so please check the event night you are attending for individual pricing.

Saturday Daytime 2 pm Noon – 8 pm Entry Price –

The above prices are our regular prices but on our big events nights we reserve the right to change entry prices at short notice so please check the event night you are attending for individual pricing.

Saturday Night 8 pm – 3 am Entry Price –

The above prices are our regular prices but on our big events nights we reserve the right to change entry prices at short notice so please check the event night you are attending for individual pricing.

Saturday Daytime & Night time 2 pm Noon – 3 am Entry Price –

Pay the one price for ALL 15 hours Day & Night and leave and come back as many times as you like.

The above prices are our regular prices but on our big events nights we reserve the right to change entry prices at short notice so please check the event night you are attending for individual pricing.

Bank Holiday Sundays Day & Night 2 pm – 2 am Entry Price –

We will ONLY be opening on selected Bank Holiday Sundays and some specific Sundays for special events.

Please check the club events section for specific Sundays openings days and prices. If the there is no event on that Sunday we will not be opening that Sunday.

Remember its Pay one price to enter and stay ALL day & night or leave and come back as many times as you like.

The above prices are our regular prices but on our big events nights we reserve the right to change entry prices at short notice so please check the event night you are attending for individual pricing.

*** We reserve the right to close earlier if its quieter than expected on any given Sunday ***

Locker Deposit 

Bar Prices




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